Ryland SBC has worked for numerous school districts and charter schools through the petition process, in developing budgets, and providing fiscal oversight.

  • Performed charter school petition evaluation, fiscal viability analysis, and charter fiscal oversight on behalf of authorizing agency.
  • We have developed review and oversight checklists, analyzed MOUs for fee maximization, and worked with charter schools to assure renewal.
  • Performed a forensic audit of a financially struggling charter school to determine extent of potential conflict of interest and/or fiscal mismanagement.
  • Assisted a small, rural school district with findings of fact denying one charter school petition that did not meet state requirements, then two years later, worked with the same district and a new charter school petition to collaboratively approve a high-achieving, successful charter school that now has a multi-county waiting list.

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"Terri has a strong background in School accounting, is very organized and has delivered exceptional services to our District. Without Terri's assistance, we would not have met required reporting deadlines or our annual audit deadlines. She works well with other business office staff and can be depended on to get the job done - whatever it takes."
Ralph Johnson
Tahoe Truckee USD