AB1200 Fiscal Advisor services and fiscal health analyses on behalf of county offices of education.

  • We have been assigned as Fiscal Expert and Fiscal Advisor, depending on extent of fiscal distress of district. Working alongside the superintendent, cabinet and the board, we have assured fiscal solvency and avoided state takeover through a combination of budget cuts, negotiated agreements, and staffing changes.
  • In the process, we have worked with the legislature, CDE, FCMAT and the County Office of Education until the district was no longer in danger of needing a state loan.

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"Cyndy has the ability to hear and analyze the intent or questions from staff and then provide options with the associated pros and cons. Cyndy has the technical skills for the position and personal characteristics that enable her to build productive and professional relationships with district and site personnel. As an additional benefit, Cyndy was the Pictionary star during the office holiday party."
Daryl Camp
Riverbank USD